
Make Cheap International Calls from the UK

Tired of costly international calls from the UK? Make affordable international calls with Call4Free and save money. Available on both mobile and landline. No internet connection is required. Calls from just 2p/min.

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Hassle-Free Calls Using Landline and Mobile Devices


Find Your Access Number

Search your destination country on the search box. You’ll find the destination countries below.


Enter Your Destination Number

Dial the access number. Then enter the country code and the destination number at the voice prompt.


Let the Conversations Begin!

You’re all set. It’s time to have conversations with your family members and business partners!

International Destinations, Access Numbers, and Costs

DestinationCountry codeAccess numberCost per minute
Afghanistan930911 696 002720
Afghanistan Mobile930911 581 002925
Albania3550871 708 002410
Albania Mobile3550911 591 003350
Algeria2130871 856 00238
Algeria Mobile2130871 856 00238
Andorra3760844 565 00195
Andorra Mobile3760911 581 002925
Angola2440871 856 00238
Angola Mobile2440911 696 002720
Anguilla12640911 696 002720
Anguilla Mobile12640911 581 002925
Antarctica Aust, Ter67210911 591 003350
Antigua & Barbuda12680911 696 002720
Antigua & Barbuda Mobile12680911 581 002925
Argentina540845 185 00152
Argentina mobile540911 707 002515
Armenia3740911 696 002720
Armenia Mobile3740911 581 002925
Aruba2970870 498 005113
Aruba Mobile2970911 581 002925
Australia610845 185 00152
Australia mobile610844 898 00173
Austria430844 565 00195
Austria mobile430911 696 002720
Azerbaijan9940911 696 002720
Azerbaijan Mobile9940911 651 003130
Bahamas12420911 581 002925
Bahamas Mobile12420911 581 002925
Bahrain9730870 498 005113
Bahrain Mobile9730870 498 005113
Bangladesh8800844 898 00173
Bangladesh mobile8800844 898 00173
Barbados12460911 696 002720
Barbados Mobile12460911 581 002925
Belarus3750911 591 003350
Belarus Mobile3750911 591 003350
Belgium320870 498 005113
Belgium Mobile320871 856 00238
Belize5010911 581 002925
Belize Mobile5010911 581 002925
Benin2290911 581 002925
Benin Mobile2290911 591 003350
Bermuda14410845 326 00217
Bermuda Mobile14410845 326 00217
Bhutan9750845 326 00217
Bhutan Mobile9750845 326 00217
Bolivia5910870 498 005113
Bolivia mobile5910911 696 002720
Bosnia & Herzegovina3870911 696 002720
Bosnia & Herzegovina Mobile3870911 591 003350
Botswana2670911 707 002515
Botswana Mobile2670911 651 003130
Brazil550845 185 00152
Brazil mobile550845 185 00152
Brunei6730911 696 002720
Brunei mobile6730911 696 002720
Bulgaria3590844 898 00173
Bulgaria mobile3590911 591 003350
Burkina Faso2260911 696 002720
Burkina Faso Mobile2260911 591 003350
Burundi2570911 591 003350
Burundi mobile2570911 591 003350
Cambodia8550871 856 00238
Cambodia mobile8550871 856 00238
Cameroon2370911 696 002720
Cameroon Mobile Orange2370911 591 003350
Canada12040845 185 00152
Cape Verde2380911 581 002925
Cape Verde Mobile2380911 581 002925
Cayman Islands13450870 498 005113
Cayman Islands Mobile13450870 498 005113
Central African Rep Mobile2360911 591 003350
Central African Repu2360911 591 003350
Chad2350911 581 002925
Chad Mobile2350911 591 003350
Chile560845 185 00152
Chile mobile560845 185 00152
China860911 591 003350
China mobile860911 591 003350
Colombia570845 185 00152
Colombia mobile570845 185 00152
Comoros2690911 651 003130
Comoros Mobile2690911 591 003350
Congo2420911 581 002925
Congo Mobile Libertis2420911 651 003130
Costa Rica5060844 898 00173
Costa Rica Mobile5060871 856 00238
Croatia3850845 185 00152
Croatia Mobile3850911 581 002925
Cyprus3570871 856 00238
Cyprus Mobile3570870 498 005113
Czech Republic4200844 898 00173
Czech Rep Mobile4200845 326 00217
Denmark450845 185 00152
Denmark Mobile450844 898 00173
Djibouti2530911 707 002515
Djibouti Mobile2530911 651 003130
Dominica17670911 707 002515
Dominica Mobile17670911 581 002925
East Timor6700911 581 002925
East Timor Mobile6700911 581 002925
Ecuador5930911 707 002515
Ecuador Mobile5930911 581 002925
Egypt200870 498 005113
Egypt Mobile200870 498 005113
El Salvador5030911 707 002515
El Salvador Mobile5030870 498 005113
Equatorial Guinea2400911 591 003350
Equatorial Guinea Mobile2400911 651 003130
Eritrea2910911 581 002925
Eritrea Mobile2910911 581 002925
Estonia3720845 185 00152
Estonia Mobile3720911 591 003350
Ethiopia2510911 581 002925
Ethiopia Mobile2510911 581 002925
Faeroe Islands2980844 898 00173
Faeroe Islands Mobile2980844 565 00195
Fiji6790911 581 002925
Fiji Mobile6790911 581 002925
Finland3580911 591 003350
Finland Mobile3580911 591 003350
France330844 898 00173
France mobile330844 898 00173
French Guiana Mobile5946940911 696 002720
French Polynesia6890911 581 002925
French Polynesia Mobile6890911 696 002720
Gabon2410911 591 003350
Gabon Mobile2410911 591 003350
Gambia2200911 581 002925
Gambia Mobile2200911 591 003350
Georgia9950911 696 002720
Georgia Mobile9950911 651 003130
Germany490844 898 00173
Germany mobile490844 898 00173
Ghana2330911 696 002720
Ghana Mobile2330911 696 002720
Gibraltar3500871 856 00238
Gibraltar Mobile3500845 326 00217
Greece300844 898 00173
Greece Mobile300844 898 00173
Greenland2990871 856 00238
Greenland Mobile2990911 696 002720
Grenada14730911 696 002720
Grenada Mobile14730911 696 002720
Guadeloupe5900844 898 00173
Guadeloupe Mobile5900911 707 002515
Guam16710844 898 00173
Guam Mobile16710844 898 00173
Guatemala5020911 696 002720
Guatemala Mobile5020911 707 002515
Guinea2240911 591 003350
Guinea Mobile2240911 591 003350
Guyana5920911 581 002925
Guyana Mobile5920911 696 002720
Haiti5090911 696 002720
Haiti Mobile5090911 651 003130
Honduras5040870 498 005113
Honduras Mobile5040911 707 002515
Hong Kong8520911 696 002720
Hong Kong Mobile8520911 696 002720
Hungary360845 185 00152
Hungary Mobile3630871 708 002410
Iceland3540845 185 00152
Iceland Mobile3540844 565 00195
India910844 898 00173
India Mobile910844 898 00173
Indonesia620844 565 00195
Indonesia Mobile620845 326 00217
Iran980911 696 002720
Iran Mobile980911 581 002925
Iraq9640911 707 002515
Iraq Mobile9640911 696 002720
Ireland3530845 185 00152
Ireland Mobile3530845 326 00217
Israel9720844 898 00173
Israel Mobile9720871 708 002410
Italy390845 185 00152
Italy Mobile390844 898 00173
Ivory Coast2250911 696 002720
Ivory Coast Mobile2250911 591 003350
Jamaica16580911 581 002925
Jamaica Mobile18760911 581 002925
Japan810845 185 00152
Japan Mobile810871 856 00238
Jordan9620911 707 002515
Jordon Mobile9620911 707 002515
Kazakhstan770871 856 00238
Kazakhstan Mobile770911 696 002720
Kenya2540911 696 002720
Kenya Mobile2540911 651 003130
Kiribati6860911 591 003350
Kiribati Mobile6860911 591 003350
Korea (south)820844 898 00173
Korea South Mobile820845 185 00152
Kuwait9650844 898 00173
Kuwait Mobile9650844 898 00173
Kyrgyzstan9960911 707 002515
Kyrgyzstan Mobile9960911 651 003130
Laos8560871 708 002410
Laos Mobile8560871 708 002410
Latvia3710911 707 002515
Latvia Mobile3710911 591 003350
Lebanon9610871 708 002410
Lebanon Mobile9610911 696 002720
Lesotho2660911 591 003350
Lesotho Mobile Vodacom2660911 591 003350
Liberia2310911 591 003350
Liberia Mobile2310911 591 003350
Libya2180844 565 00195
Libya Mobile2180911 651 003130
Liechtenstein4230871 708 002410
Liechtenstein Mobile4230871 708 002410
Lithuania3700870 498 005113
Lithuania Mobile3700844 565 00195
Luxembourg3520844 898 00173
Luxembourg Mobile3520911 696 002720
Macao8530911 591 003350
Macao Mobile8530911 591 003350
Macedonia3890911 696 002720
Macedonia Mobile3890911 591 003350
Malawi2650911 591 003350
Malawi Mobile2650911 591 003350
Malaysia600844 565 00195
Malaysia Mobile600844 565 00195
Maldives9600911 591 003350
Maldives Mobile9600911 591 003350
Mali2230911 581 002925
Mali Mobile Malitel2230911 591 003350
Malta3560911 581 002925
Malta Mobile3560911 591 003350
Marshall Islands6920911 696 002720
Martinique5960845 185 00152
Martinique Mobile5960911 696 002720
Mauritius2300871 708 002410
Mauritius Mobile2300870 498 005113
Mayotte2620911 696 002720
Mayotte Mobile2620911 707 002515
Mexico520845 185 00152
Mexico Mobile520845 185 00152
Micronesia6910911 581 002925
Midway Island8080871 708 002410
Moldova3730911 591 003350
Moldova Mobile3730911 591 003350
Monaco3770871 708 002410
Monaco Mobile3770911 651 003130
Mongolia9760844 898 00173
Mongolia Mobile9760845 185 00152
Montenegro3820911 581 002925
Montenegro Mobile3820911 651 003130
Morocco2120844 898 00173
Morocco Mobile2120911 591 003350
Mozambique2580911 707 002515
Mozambique Mobile2580911 581 002925
Mozambique Mobile Vodacom2580911 591 003350
Myanmar950911 696 002720
Myanmar Mobile950911 581 002925
Namibia2640870 498 005113
Namibia Mobile2640911 696 002720
Nepal9770911 696 002720
Nepal Mobile9770911 707 002515
Netherlands Antilles5990870 498 005113
Netherlands Antilles Mobile5990911 707 002515
Netherlands310911 581 002925
Netherlands Mobile310844 898 00173
New Caledonia6870911 581 002925
New Caledonia Mobile6870911 696 002720
New Zealand640844 898 00173
New Zealand Mobile640845 326 00217
Nicaragua5050870 498 005113
Nicaragua Mobile5050911 651 003130
Niger2270911 696 002720
Niger Mobile2270911 696 002720
Nigeria2340870 498 005113
Nigeria Mobile2340870 498 005113
Norfolk Island Mobile672380911 651 003130
Norway470845 185 00152
Norway Mobile470845 185 00152
Oman9680870 498 005113
Oman Mobile9680870 498 005113
Pakistan920844 565 00195
Pakistan Mobile920871 856 00238
Palau6800911 707 002515
Palestine9700911 696 002720
Palestine Mobile9700911 696 002720
Panama5070844 898 00173
Panama Mobile5070911 707 002515
Papua New Guinea67570911 591 003350
Paraguay5950844 898 00173
Paraguay Mobile5950845 326 00217
Peru510845 185 00152
Peru Mobile510845 185 00152
Philippines630911 707 002515
Philippines Mobile630911 696 002720
Poland480845 185 00152
Poland Mobile480845 185 00152
Portugal3510845 185 00152
Portugal Mobile3510870 498 005113
Qatar9740911 696 002720
Qatar Mobile9740911 696 002720
Reunion2620911 696 002720
Reunion Mobile2620845 326 00217
Romania400845 185 00152
Romania Mobile400845 185 00152
Russia78400911 581 002925
Russia Mobile790911 651 003130
Rwanda2500911 696 002720
Rwanda Mobile2500911 651 003130
Saudi Arabia9660870 498 005113
Saudi Arabia Mobile9660911 707 002515
Senegal2210911 696 002720
Senegal Mobile2210911 591 003350
Serbia3810911 707 002515
Serbia Mobile3810911 591 003350
Sierra Leone2320911 591 003350
Sierra Leone Mobile2320911 591 003350
Singapore650870 498 005113
Singapore Mobile650870 498 005113
Slovakia4210845 185 00152
Slovakia Mobile4210870 498 005113
Slovenia3860911 696 002720
Slovenia Mobile3860911 591 003350
Somalia2520911 591 003350
Somalia Mobile2520911 591 003350
South Africa270845 326 00217
South Africa Mobile270844 565 00195
South Sudan2110911 696 002720
South Sudan Mobile MTN2110911 591 003350
Spain340845 185 00152
Spain mobile340844 898 00173
Sri Lanka940911 707 002515
Sri Lanka Mobile940911 707 002515
Sudan2490870 498 005113
Sudan Mobile2490911 696 002720
Suriname5970870 498 005113
Suriname Mobile5970870 498 005113
Swaziland2680871 708 002410
Swaziland Mobile2680871 708 002410
Sweden460845 185 00152
Sweden Mobile460844 898 00173
Switzerland410844 565 00195
Switzerland Mobile410911 591 003350
Syria9630911 581 002925
Syria Mobile9630911 581 002925
Taiwan8860844 565 00195
Taiwan Mobile8860870 498 005113
Tajikistan9920911 581 002925
Tajikistan Mobile9920911 696 002720
Tanzania2550911 651 003130
Tanzania Mobile2550911 651 003130
Thailand660871 856 00238
Thailand Mobile660871 856 00238
Togo2280911 651 003130
Togo Mobile2280911 651 003130
Tonga6760911 591 003350
Tonga Mobile6760911 591 003350
Trinidad and Tobago18680845 326 00217
Trinidad and Tobago Mobile18680911 696 002720
Turkey900844 898 00173
Turkey Mobile900911 707 002515
Turkmenistan9930911 696 002720
Turkmenistan mobile9930911 696 002720
Turks and Caicos Isl16490911 696 002720
Turks and Caicos Island Mobile16490911 696 002720
Uganda2560911 651 003130
Uganda Mobile2560911 651 003130
Ukraine3800911 707 002515
Ukraine Mobile3800911 581 002925
United Arab Emirates9710911 696 002720
United Arab Emirates Mobile9710911 707 002515
Uruguay5980871 856 00238
Uruguay Mobile5980911 696 002720
USA12010844 565 00195
Uzbekistan9980871 708 002410
Uzbekistan Mobile9980870 498 005113
Venezuela580845 185 00152
Venezuela Mobile580871 708 002410
Vietnam840871 856 00238
Vietnam Mobile840871 856 00238
Yemen9670911 707 002515
Yemen Mobile9670911 707 002515
Zambia2600911 707 002515
Zambia Mobile2600911 591 003350
Zimbabwe2630911 696 002720
Zimbabwe Mobile2630911 591 003350

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We use state-of-the-art technology to ensure high-quality calls with crystal-clear sound.

No, you do not need a specific plan to make affordable international calls.

Yes, you can make international calls using our access numbers both from landlines and mobile phones.

Call4Free's affordable calling service is designed for personal and business uses.

Absolutely. Our service allows you to make international calls without the requirement of Wi-Fi or any other type of internet connection.

Yes, you can make free international calls from your landline using our service. Just dial the provided access numbers and follow the instructions to connect.

No, there's no need to download any app. Our service is accessible directly through dialing the provided access numbers, ensuring a hassle-free experience.

We offer free international calling for those who have inclusive 0870 number calls on their landline or mobile packages. You can use our service to make free international calls from the UK.