
Choose from our free destinations for international calling

Looking to make free international calls to stay connected with your loved ones? Look no further than Call4Free! With a wide range of free destinations to choose from, you can easily select where you want to call and enjoy talking to your friends and family without worrying about expensive rates. Whether you want to chat with a friend in Paris or catch up with family in Tokyo, Call4Free makes it simple and convenient. Stay connected no matter where your loved ones are in the world, thanks to Call4Free’s easy-to-use and cost-effective international calling service. Enjoy unlimited conversations without breaking the bank – it’s as easy as picking a destination and dialing in to start talking.

Free Destinaions
Free DestinationFree DestinationFree DestinationFree Destination
Algeria Dominican Latvia Puerto Rico
Andorra Egypt Liechtenstein Reunion
Angola Estonia Lithuania Romania
Argentina Faeroe Islands Luxemburg Russia
Australia French Malaysia Samoa
Austria Germany Martinique San Marino
Bangladesh Gibraltar Mayotte Singapore
Belgium Greece Mexico Slovakia
Bermuda Greenland Mongolia Slovenia
Bhutan Guadeloupe Morocco South Africa
Brazil Guam Mozambique Spain
Brunei Haiti Namibia Sweden
Bulgaria Hong Kong NetherlandsSwitzerland
Cambodia Hungary New Zealand Taiwan
Canada Iceland Nigeria Thailand
CaymanIndia North Marianas Trinidad
Chile Indonesia Norway Turkey
China Iraq Pakistan Uruguay
Colombia Ireland Panama USA
Costa rica Italy Paraguay Uzbekistan
Croatia Japan Peru Vatican City
Cyprus Kazakhstan Poland Venezuela
Czech Republic South Korea Portugal Vietnam
Denmark Kuwait